Digital X-Rays

Digital X-Rays

We are proud to provide digital x-rays in our office. Digital x-rays not only offer more precise images, but they also significantly reduce exposure to radiation. 

Our office practices ALARA, which stands for “As Low As Reasonably Achievable.” This principle means that even if it is a small dose, if receiving that dose has no benefit, we try to avoid it. Again, we make every effort to only take radiographs when necessary, but also recognize the enormous benefit of the information that x-rays provide. It is an important diagnostic tool to show what is undetectable to the naked eye or instruments. 

Radiation Exposure Examples

Average daily background radiation dose 10μSv
Air travel round trip (NY-LA) 50μSv
Medical chest x-ray 100μSv
Hourly radiation at some beach spots 31μSv
Mammography 400μSv
Dental x-rays for routine exam (4 images) 5μSv
Dental panoramic x-ray 14-24μSv
Dental CBCT 4-156μSv